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News & Events
Softech is now official local distributor of OVERLAND TANDBERG in Pakistan. |
Softech Partner Training Program |
Softech Microsystems conducting partner trainings under its partner trainings program initiative.
Barracuda Certified Engineer |
Softech Microsystems is pleased to announce that two of our engineers are now Barracuda certified engineers,Congratulations to them on this feat of accomplishment.
Partner Event |
Softech Microsystems in collaboration with Jaffer Business System organized an event on Cybersecurity Threats.
VPN, Good or Bad?
A Virtual Private Network is a Private Network that is built to be used over a public infrastructure. VPN allows users to securely access a network from different locations from a public network, typically through the Internet.
With the advent of SaaS (Software as a Service) and Public Cloud it has become crucial for every branch of an organization to be connected to the WAN or the Internet directly.
ILOVEYOU - A Guinness World Record Virus
ILOVEYOU was so effective it actually held the Guinness World Record as the most ‘virulent’ virus of all time. Two young Filipino programmers, Reonel Ramones and Onel de Guzman, were named as the perps but because there were no laws against writing malware, their case was dropped and they went free.
Intercept X does the job!
Intercept X does the job! Sophos provides you unmatched server protection with Sophos Intercept X for Server. It is powered by deep learning neural network to provide the best protection against never before seen attacks. Intercept X also provides you with advanced malware detection and ransomware protection to deliver unparalleled defense against known and unknown threats.
Quotebers |