Barracuda PST Enterprise
Migrate, Locate and delete PST files
General description

End users often use PST files as a personal email archives. As a result, they are widely scattered between unsecured end-user devices and network storage, making it difficult to detect and manage them continuously or effectively.
With improvements in Microsoft Exchange and Office 365, users no longer need to store data locally in PST files. However, legacy PST files still contain crucial data that must be restored again under control. Barracuda PST Enterprise is specifically designed to help you meet this challenge.
PST Enterprise automatically detects PST files anywhere in the organization by checking unsecured end-user devices and network servers. Then, migrate the data from these files to a secure location, such as Exchange or Office 365, or archive the data in Barracuda Message Archiver or Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service.
Data is migrated selectively, so only the data you still need is preserved. Direct routing and Parallel processing improve the use of the network and system resources.
You may have many terabytes of data stored in PST files on end-user machines and network servers. These files are notoriously unreliable, as they are often corrupted and easily lost. The costs associated with the storage, security and administration of these large files, in terms of system resources and general IT administration, are significant.
Barracuda PST Enterprise allows you to completely remove PST files from the entire infrastructure, thus achieving a total reduction in support costs.
PST files can be separated from Outlook and copied or moved easily. Also, they are usually not compatible. Because of this, they create a high risk of data loss, theft or accidental destruction.
Other risks associated with PST files involve litigation and criminal investigations. The IT staff almost certainly is not aware of the number and location of the PST files, and they do not have a clear view of the data they contain. If this information is relevant to a litigation or investigation, it will be ignored.
Barracuda PST Enterprise allows you to eliminate these institutional, strategic and legal risks by identifying each PST file throughout your organization, then focusing and retaining all data that has commercial value.
PST files often contain valuable or confidential business data, but since they are not managed by the IT department, they often violate retention policies and store company data.
By detecting all PST files, migrating them to a secure location, eliminating all old or redundant data, guaranteeing regulatory compliance and allowing the application of their organizational information management policies.
The data in the PST files may be related to specific e-discovery or litigation requests, but since IT departments typically do not know the location and content of each individual PST file, compliance with these requests can be time consuming and be expensive.
Once all the PST files have been identified in your organization, and all the current data is transferred to a central file or mail server, finding and retrieving data to fulfill the e-discovery requests is easy and fast, without the need for IT resources and personnel.
Your data is important to your business, so your PST management solution should be supported by people who take your data as seriously as you do. Barracuda technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by in-house security engineers with no phone trees. Help is always a call away.
Hundreds of thousands of organizations around the world rely on Barracuda to protect their applications, networks and data. Barracuda PST Enterprise is part of a complete set of backup, archiving, firewall and security products designed for organizations looking for powerful, easy-to-use and affordable protection.
PST Enterprise will automatically identify all PST files anywhere in your organization, systematically verifying unsecured end-user devices, network drives, removable devices and Outlook profiles. The files will be discovered whether they are connected to the Outlook profile or not, and can be accessed even if they are password protected.
PST Enterprise does not require any client software to be installed. The non-invasive client application is downloaded automatically as needed and runs in the background in memory. This ensures that end users are not affected by the PST discovery.
Full automatic migration means that user intervention is not required at any stage during discovery, administration and migration of PST files. In addition, the folder structure within the entire PST source can be reverted with the selected location to ensure a smooth transition of users.
PST Enterprise will automatically assign an owner to each discovered PST file. If the file is currently connected to the user’s profile in Outlook, that user is assumed to be the owner. Otherwise, an in-depth analysis of the PST file will be performed and assign an owner based on the file contents.
The self-service web portal is an optional feature that allows end users to determine how to handle each PST file. It can be configured to determine which files and data elements will be retained and where they will be migrated, and is ideal to be used by managers or users with sensitive data.
PST Enterprise is migrating data directly from a source file to a destination location such as Exchange or Office 365 without having to scale through a central server. This approach reduces the additional hardware and software requirements, avoids potential problems with the network bandwidth and eliminates the risk of managing bottlenecks.
A wide range of actions can be applied selectively to each individual PST file based on the attributes of the file or message. Data can move to the primary or archive mailbox in Exchange or Office 365, or can be archived directly to the Barracuda Message Archiver or Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service. PST files can be copied or moved to a specific network server, or they can simply be deleted if they are no longer needed.
Various processing procedures can be applied each PST file that include copying, moving, archiving or sequentially deleting, either at the full file level or at the individual message level within each PST file, providing greater flexibility to configure the options of migration.
Processing standards allow selective retention policies to apply to individual component level, enabling the implementation of corporate information and government policies. Only the data that is still required will be migrated, and old or unwanted data will be automatically deleted before migration. This method also reduces the amount of data that will be migrated and reduces network traffic.
PST Enterprise can automatically delete individual email messages before migration, move each unique message only once. This ensures that duplicate content or the backup content will not move to the target location, and also reduces the overall size of the data to be migrated over the network.
The source PST files can be separated from Outlook after migration and are automatically deleted. This completes the migration process by restoring storage and avoiding confusion by avoiding any other use of these files. An organization can also change the settings of each user in Outlook to avoid creating new files or adding data to existing files.
PST Enterprise is a scalable solution with no limits on the number of end users, PST files and sites that can be managed successfully. It has been shown to be used with larger companies and many smaller organizations.
The wide range of configurable processing rules means that all PST discovery and migration can be automatically scheduled throughout the company and completed automatically. Individual processes can also be executed on demand if necessary.
PST Enterprise uses multiple data paths and parallel processing to migrate each PST file directly to its destination location. This increases performance and avoids any throttling by Exchange or Office 365, while migration speed controls better use of bandwidth.
Threshold values and Tolerance can be configured to identify any problems that are encountered during processing and that cannot be resolved automatically, such as PST files or corrupted messages. PST Enterprise will then assist department officials in identifying and resolving these individual problems without disrupting the overall migration process.
The intuitive web based portal allows administrators to coordinate and manage discovery and file processing in an easy and effective way. Customizable views provide a wide range of information, including the location of the source, the data size, the number of messages within each file, and the date of discovery. Data from additional active directory can be added to these views if necessary.
Status reports and graphical displays are included to provide an overview of operations and progress in real time, and are supported by updating the detailed status and files for each individual PST file